On October 12th we learned we are going to have another baby! I woke up at 3:30 in the morning after having a dream I took two pregnancy tests and both were positive. So I got up and took a test. The line was so faint I couldn't tell if I was seeing things! I woke up Rick and made him check it out. He said it is so faint we should wait a couple hours and see if it's still there. He rolled right over and went back to sleep! Needless to say I couldn't even close my eyes! I had the day off for Columbus Day, so I took the boys to the sitter's house. I went to Walgreen's to get my flu shot. While I was there I bought another type of test that is digital and says the word pregnant or not pregnant. I went home to use it. It said "Pregnant"!! So I took a picture of it and emailed it to Rick at work to see! He called very excited! This was only the second month of trying which is when we got pregnant with both Ricky and Everett!
One day before we knew we were pregnant, Ricky had given me a tight hug. When I asked him what it was for he said he put a baby in my belly! He gave me another tight squeeze and told me now there are two babies! When I told the boys we were pregnant, Ricky screamed "We've been praying for that!" Ever since, Ricky and Everett both want to hug and kiss my belly every night before bed! Ricky is especially protective! And he has started talking in his sleep. Four days after we found out, he was talking in his sleep saying "It's a girl!" Either way we will be thrilled! One morning when Everett woke up he came out and I said "Good morning baby!" And he said "I'm not your baby! I'm Everett! The baby is in your belly!" Ricky calls the baby "Our Little Spec" like the spec from "Horton Hears a Who!". Everett tells us "Everett keep baby healthy, safe!" We were waiting to tell my Mother In Law in person. So when she came down we were so excited to tell her! But Ricky beat us to it! At dinner he blurted out "My mommy has a baby in her belly!" Not the way we planned, but what better way to find out than from your grandson! They are so excited about the new baby! The things they say are priceless!
On October 21st we had our first doctor's appointment. First we had our ultrasound. We saw the sac and the yolk forming. It was still so early because I ovulated late in the month. It looks like we conceived on the 10 year anniversary of our first date! We met with the doctor and he said everything looked great! He said the technician even saw a faint flicker of our baby's heart! Which is amazing, because we could barely even see the baby it was so tiny! So we go back in two weeks for another ultrasound, and this will put us at our monthly visits. Rick and I went to dinner after our appointment to celebrate! When we got home we showed the boys our ultrasound picture. Ricky wants his own picture, so I have copied and laminated one for him to carry around! There's not much to see yet, but it's a picture of his baby and he says he loves it!