Putting out reindeer food! |
To those near and far, we hope this blog keeps you as close to us as you are to our hearts! We are blessed and want to share our blessings with you all!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Christmas Eve 2011
went over to Grammy and Tim's for Christmas Eve. Uncle Ryan and Aunt Jenny were there and Heather and Heidi too! We exchanged gifts and the boys were over the moon! They got iPod touches and were thrilled! Check out the video at the end of this posting for their reactions - priceless! Mommy got a new lens for the camera and was just as excited as the boys! I also got a Looxie recording device! We all had a GREAT time!
Gannon Visit - Dec 2011
Our sweet friends the Gannons came to visit! It's a rare occasion we get all the kids together, and they had a BLAST! There was definitely chaos in the Kuhn house! It was so much fun! We attempted to tame the bunch with snacks and a movie. We watched "The Elf on the Shelf". We wish we all got together more often! Love you Gannons!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Emerson is Grasping at Objects!
At 8 weeks and 1 day Emerson is grasping at objects. He has done it in the past, but we weren't sure it was on purpose. He doesn't really love playing on his playmat
because he would much rather be held, but we get about 10-15 minutes out of him on occasion. Check out those big, beautiful blue eyes!
Sawyer wanted to get in on the play action! He adores his baby brother! He is always asking to hold him, giving him a blanket, taking and giving Emerson his fussy (pacifier), and "playing"with his baby brother!
We are so happy they have each other and hope they will be as close as their big brothers!
Sawyer wanted to get in on the play action! He adores his baby brother! He is always asking to hold him, giving him a blanket, taking and giving Emerson his fussy (pacifier), and "playing"with his baby brother!
We are so happy they have each other and hope they will be as close as their big brothers!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Great GrandPap with his boys!
Great Grandpap loves his boys and the feeling is definitely mutual! The boys talk to him on the phone every week, but nothing's as good as a visit from PapPap! We are all sad to see him go back to Pittsburgh! We treasure every minute we spend with him!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Emerson is 8 Weeks Old!
Emerson is eight weeks old! He is 22 inches long (16th percentile) and weighs 11.4 pounds (32nd percentile). He was started on Prevacid on November 29th for his reflux and has gained a pound and a half since then! He is wearing 0-3 month clothing and size 1 diapers. On December 6th, we went into the doctor because he was projectile vomiting and vomiting out of his nose. They sent us to the hospital for an Upper GI. They were concerned it was Pyloric Stenosis. Fortunately it wasn't the Pyloric Stenosis, but a severe case of reflux. The doctor could see him refluxing during the test. The medicine seems to be helping. He usually has just one big vomit a day and an occassional vomit thru the nose. He has some trouble having a bowel movement. We think it may be a side affect from the medicine. He had a few fussy nights and we realized he was needing to eat more. We started giving him 6 ounces at each feeding and he is a much happier little guy! Like the other boys, he has his fussy times in the evenings. He is sleeping 5-7 hours at night. He is a happy camper at Karen's during the day!! He smiles and coos, rolls from his belly to his back, and grasps at objects. Most of all he loves to be held! He's getting so big so quick!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Everett's Christmas Program
Nana, Pappy, Grammy, and PapPap joined us at Everett's school for his Christmas performance! He did so well! He was inches taller than the next tallest kid in his class and he is amongst the youngest! He was very mature and well behaved. He was the best performer up there if I do say so myself! And he knew the hand motions better than any of his peers! I am very proud of him! And all the while he was suffering from a really bad ear infection! After the performance, everyone went to Sweet Bella for dinner. We had a great time!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Emerson's Baptism
What a special day for our special baby boy!
Great PapPap flew in to be Emerson's Godfather. And our dear friend Julie graciously accepted the role of Godmother. Emerson's baptism was an immersion into the Holy water. This was a first for us, and it was very special. It was a little bit of a surprise to Emerson because he was asleep, but after that he did great! PapPap, the Salazars, Nana and Pappy, Grammy and Tim, the Alfords, and Tamika all came to the church. The Messeralls came to the house after to help celebrate. It was so wonderful to have our friends and family with us to honor this special day for Emerson.
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