To those near and far, we hope this blog keeps you as close to us as you are to our hearts! We are blessed and want to share our blessings with you all!
I won tickets to the Renaissance Festival through Kidneccted Magazine on Facebook! It is one of the kids favorite things to do! They love seeing all the crazy people dressed up, love the festivities, and enjoy the food! They even got to be part of a show!! We can't wait to go back next year!
Both sets of Grandparents were out of town this year, so it was just the six of us! The traditional turkey leg was shared by all the boys - really only Everett and Emerson would truly partake! It was a nice quite day! It ended with opening presents Grammy had left for the boys. They got new Christmas jammies!!
We went to the Zoo over Thanksgiving Break with Courtney and Julia and Kristen and Addison. Everyone was so well behaved and we had such a great time! Sawyer did get caught up in another group and we couldn't find him for a few minutes (some of the longest minutes of my life!). But otherwise, the weather was great and it was a very nice time!