12 Week Ultrasound

What fun to peek in on our little one! The office just got a new machine, and I was the last patient of the day. The technician spent an hour with us so she could learn the machine. It was so neat to see the activites of our baby for an hour! The baby started off so active - moving around, kicking, waving, flipping, and looking like it was having such a great time. Over the course of the hour we saw the baby start to slow down. Then the thumb sucking began, the baby started rubbing its eyes, and then we watched our little one fall asleep! What an amazing experience! We had the technician check the gender for us. We did see a little nub, but the technician said she wouldn't commit to anything yet because it is still so early. Sometimes even with girls, they have swollen parts, so it is hard to tell this early. So, in two weeks we go back for a gender check! The baby's heartbeat was 178 beats per minute. They also did the test for Down's Syndrome. They have to send off the measurements and bloodwork to get the results, but the technician said she can tell by the ultrasound. Our baby looked healthy! On December 23rd we go back to see whether we are having a boy or girl! We can't wait to give our baby a name!
I see the swelling but I've never heard of being able to tell sex this early so I wouldn't count on it being a boy yet! Either way, we'll love the new baby Kuhn so much!!!