Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sawyer - 1 Month

It is hard to believe Sawyer has been with us for a month already! And what a month it's been! We had a few visits to the doctor and hospital lab. Sawyer was jaundice, but did not require any extra treatment. He also has a latching problem with nursing. He does better with the shield, but his latching and unlatching causes him to gulp a lot of air. He is quite gassy and uncomfortable. Add to this constipation, and he is always grunting and fighting tummy troubles! But despite all these things, Sawyer is still such a good natured, sweet baby! In his first 3 weeks he has put on an entire pound! He weighs 8 pounds 6 ounces! His favorite thing is to be held! Daddy says Mommy has spoiled him already! He loves to play on his playmat and sleep there too! He has been very busy trying to keep up with his big brothers. He has already been to the mall, playgroups, the zoo, the Children's Museum, a few birthday parties, and even his first movie - Despicable Me!  His big milestones are: he is holding up his head, smiling at Mommy and Daddy (even once at Ricky), following objects with his eyes, and even grasping objects!

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