Thursday, April 26, 2012

Emerson is Six Months Old

Our little guy (ok - maybe not so little) is six months old! Time has flown by much too quickly! He is changing so much so quick! It turns out our "serious" guy really isn't so serious - he just wasn't feeling good. Now that he's feeling better he is a bundle of giggles! He laughs at his brothers all the time! He likes to watch the kids play outside and giggle at them. He really is a character!

His size:
- he weighs 20 pounds 6 ounces
- measured 25.75 inches (but we're not convinced this is accurate - he is so tall!)
- head circumference - 17 inches
- wears size 3 diaper (but could probably move up)
- wearing 6-9 month clothes (9) but moving into 9-12 month clothes (12)

What he's up to:
- says "Mama"
- we think he says "Hi" back to us when we say hi
- constantly babbling - he is quite the talker
- giggling all the time
- sits up to play
- rolling all over the place
- crawling on his knees and elbows
- enjoys playing with his toys
- loves his exersaucer
- loves to give and get hugs and kisses (When I pick him up after work he hugs me so tight and gives me big sloppy kisses!)

What he's eating:
- 6-8 ounce bottles of Nutramigen (hypoallergenic formula) about every 3 hours or so
- Now that we are on a liquid diet boy is he pooping! And this formula doesn't smell good going in, but is even worse coming out! And his poor hiney is so red!!

How he's sleeping:
- 8-11 hours every night - Whoohoo!!
- He is sleeping in a cradle in our room. We have transitioned him out of the nap nanny.

How he's teething:
- Man is he drooling!
- He's chewing on his finger and anything he can get in his mouth.
- So far he doesn't seem too grumpy getting his teeth (praying that continues).
- Looks like the top teeth may not be far behind, they're pretty red and swollen.

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