Our Everett has graduated preK and will be a kindergartner in the Fall! Dear Time, please slow down! Love, Mommy
I didn't get pictures of the ceremony because it was so crowded! :0( But snapped a few of these at our celebration afterwards!
To those near and far, we hope this blog keeps you as close to us as you are to our hearts! We are blessed and want to share our blessings with you all!

Monday, May 28, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Emerson is Seven Months Old
His Health:
- yet another round of double ear infections, he was given the zpac which worked amazingly well
- tubes and adenoid surgery scheduled for June 4th
- his wheezing has remained under control so far with the increase in his inhaled steroid
- reflux - he's projectile vomiting more than he has been, but doesn't seem to be in pain so we're just maintaining his current treatment
His size:
- he weighs almost 22 pounds
- he is 28 inches long
- wears size 3 diaper
- wearing 9-12 month clothes (12) but moving up to 12-18 month clothes (18)
- he is moving between sizes so fast he only wears a size for a few weeks
What he's up to:
- says "Mama" and "Hi" consistently and in the correct context
- constantly babbling - he is quite the talker
- giggling all the time - especially at his big brothers
- sits up to play
- rolling and spinning all over the place
- he hasn't been crawling like he was before but he has been held a lot
- enjoys playing with his toys - he loves balls and chewing toys
- starting to try to pull himself up
- loves to stand up - getting more and more daring every day
- loves to give and get hugs and kisses
What he's eating:
- 6-8 ounce bottles of Nutramigen (hypoallergenic formula) about every 3 hours or so
- he holds his own bottle
- poor guy watches us eat like he wishes he could too
How he's sleeping:
- 10-12 hours every night - Whoohoo!!
- He transitioned to his crib in his room without any problems
How he's teething:
- Man is he drooling!
- He's chewing on his finger and anything he can get in his mouth.
- So far he doesn't seem too grumpy getting his teeth (praying that continues).
- You can feel the top two teeth, but they haven't broken through yet
Who he looks like:
- he definitely looks like his big brother Everett
- he is catching up to Sawyer in size
- the color of his eyes are still unknown - may end up being brown, right now they sometimes look greenish, sometimes gray, maybe hazel??, it's hard to tell, but they sure are big and beautiful
Awanas Ceremony 2012
Everett finished his second year of Cubbies and Ricky finished his first year of Sparkies. Everett did so well completing his second book and learned Ricky's verses at the same time. Ricky finished his book unassisted which means he didn't need prompting for any of his verses. I'm really proud of them because with all the sickness this year they missed a few classes and still made up all of their verses. Next year both boys will be Sparkies, and Sawyer will be in Puggles. What a great program!
Pool is Open!
We took our first trip of the year to our neighborhood pool! And of course our fish had a blast! The big boys swam so well! Now if only we could get them to swim as well at their meets! Sawyer loved being in the water! Emerson was hesitant at first because it was cold, but soon kicked and splashed! He ended up having fun with his brothers! I am looking forward to summer days at the pool!

1st Swim Meet
The boys had their first swim meet! They both finished first in their heats, but have not yet decided to show their best! We are thinking they need a little more confidence. It seems to be overwhelming to them being in the water by themselves, not to mention the big crowd! But we are waiting for them to show their stuff! They're both great swimmers! Hopefully they'll show everyone before the end of the season!

On Your Mark! |
Everett can swim beautifully! We're waiting for him to show us! |
Get Set! |
Freestyle - Working on his side breathing |
Everett - Backstroke If only he'd let go of the rope! |
Ricky - Backstroke |
Ricky's Baseball Season
Ricky has become a true lover of the game! Their team went from 11th place in the regular season to third place in the playoffs! They did great! In their second to last game of the playoffs, Ricky got two men out at second, won the game, and got the team ball! He was so proud!! He slept with the ball that night! What a season! It was so great watching him grow in the game thru the season!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Emerson - Health Update
Three visits to Texas Children's Hospital in one week to see specialists. The ENT wants to do tubes and adenoids right away. We are waiting a few weeks until the first week of summer when we are out of school. The pulmonologist did an infant pulmonary function test. He shows some obstructive lung disease, the most common one being asthma, particularly in the lower airways. The doctor feels this has been a case of uncontrolled asthma. He increased the dosage of inhaled steroid to see if that helps control it. If not, we will have to
play with different treatment therapies.
Emerson did so well for the test. He had to be sedated. When he woke up he was so good! He smiled thru his sleepiness! He also got to have his first (and last for awhile) taste of juice! He thought it was so yummy!!
play with different treatment therapies.
Emerson did so well for the test. He had to be sedated. When he woke up he was so good! He smiled thru his sleepiness! He also got to have his first (and last for awhile) taste of juice! He thought it was so yummy!!
Mother's Day
For Mother's Day, Grammy and Tim, Nana and Pappy, and Grandma all came over. Rick cooked for the family, and all the guys served the Mother's dinner! We all had a really good time!!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Double the Lovin'!
At six months old, Emerson is double the size he's supposed to be in! Our little(or not so little!) guy is wearing 12 month clothes! He wears them well! Everybody loves a fat baby! Gasp! Did I say fat?!?! It's a word everyone dances around, but yes he's fat! And I love every roll! He is so stinkin' cute!
Sawyer loves Elmo!
Sawyer is quite taken with Elmo! If an Elmo movie is on and Elmo leaves the scene, there are some serious tears! Grammy bought Sawyer some new movies and some Elmo jammies! He cries when I take the jammies off in the morning!
Oak Ridge Otters Swim Team
Ricky and Everett are officially Oak Ridge Otters! They have joined the swim team! Our neighborhood doesn't have a swim team, so we had to join a neighborhood close by. It happens to be the neighborhood I grew up in. As a kid, I hung out at the swim meets. I never was an Otter because this fish never could swim! The boys will have to teach me since they are naturals!
Breathing Treatments
Three out of four boys ended up on breathing treatments. Everett ended up having a double ear infection. Sawyer did well on just the breathing treatments. And then there's Emerson. He had another double ear infection that ended up moving into his lungs, and turned out being antibiotic resistant. The doctor switched antibiotics and put him on yet another oral steroid. Everett and Sawyer recovered nicely. As always, we're still working on Emerson.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Lego Mania
A new store opened at the Woodlands Mall - the Lego Store! The boys were literally screaming with excitement! They could hardly contain themselves! They each got to pick out their own set. Ricky and Everett each picked out Star Wars. Sawyer picked an animal duplo set. When we got home our house was quieter than ever! Mommy is a big fan of Legos!
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