Thursday, May 24, 2012

Emerson is Seven Months Old

His Health:
- yet another round of double ear infections, he was given the zpac which worked amazingly well
- tubes and adenoid surgery scheduled for June 4th
- his wheezing has remained under control so far with the increase in his inhaled steroid
- reflux - he's projectile vomiting more than he has been, but doesn't seem to be in pain so we're just maintaining his current treatment

His size:
- he weighs almost 22 pounds
- he is 28 inches long
- wears size 3 diaper
- wearing 9-12 month clothes (12) but moving up to 12-18 month clothes (18)
- he is moving between sizes so fast he only wears a size for a few weeks

What he's up to:
- says "Mama" and "Hi" consistently and in the correct context
- constantly babbling - he is quite the talker
- giggling all the time - especially at his big brothers
- sits up to play
- rolling and spinning all over the place
- he hasn't been crawling like he was before but he has been held a lot
- enjoys playing with his toys - he loves balls and chewing toys
- starting to try to pull himself up
- loves to stand up - getting more and more daring every day
- loves to give and get hugs and kisses

What he's eating:
- 6-8 ounce bottles of Nutramigen (hypoallergenic formula) about every 3 hours or so
- he holds his own bottle
- poor guy watches us eat like he wishes he could too

How he's sleeping:
- 10-12 hours every night - Whoohoo!!
- He transitioned to his crib in his room without any problems

How he's teething:
- Man is he drooling!
- He's chewing on his finger and anything he can get in his mouth.
- So far he doesn't seem too grumpy getting his teeth (praying that continues).
- You can feel the top two teeth, but they haven't broken through yet

Who he looks like:
- he definitely looks like his big brother Everett
- he is catching up to Sawyer in size
- the color of his eyes are still unknown - may end up being brown, right now they sometimes look greenish, sometimes gray, maybe hazel??, it's hard to tell, but they sure are big and beautiful

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