Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Emerson is 10 Months Old!

His size:
- wears size 4 diaper
- wearing 18-24 month clothes (24)

What he's up to:
- says "Mama", "Hi", "Dada", and "Uh-Oh"

- babbles saying gaga, nana and lots of other gibberish
- he likes to dance and have an audience while he does, he just grins from ear to ear while we watch him
- he waves when he says hi, waves back at strangers, he's quite the charmer

- his crawl is still unusual, but he has started cruising furniture!

- he loves to push around his walker

- he is still quite attached to his mommy
- he poops on the potty and then giggles when we all get excited
- drinking from big boy sippy cups (hard top) for all feedings

- he no longer takes a pacifier
- enjoys playing with his big brothers, he loves to destroy anything they have built
- once he gets over not wanting to wear his helmet, he enjoys bike rides with mommy
- he loves taking baths

How he's teething:
- he has four top teeth and four bottom teeth

What he's eating:
- still on strict diet of only Nutramagen formula
- he is constantly trying to rummage thru the trash in hopes of finding food!
- going to see about retesting him a little earlier so we can get this boy some food!

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