On June 18th we went to the hospital for induction. At 8:15 they broke my water and started the pitocin. I came in dilated at 2cm. At 10:00 they administered the epidural. At 11:40 I was dilated to a 3. At 12:35 I was almost a 4. But at 2:15 I was only dilated to a 4 1/2. It was then I started to realize the epidural was not working. I was pushing the button like a mad woman, they replaced the bag, and nothing was helping! I had a sudden headache, very strong contractions, back labor, nausea. So the nurse said let's do a check - I went from a 4 1/2 to an 8 in less than 45 minutes! And boy did I feel it! I pushed about 20 minutes and felt every thing at that point! The epidural had not been working for a while and it was awful! But of course it was worth the pain! Sawyer was born at 4:06 pm weighing 7 lbs and 6 ounces and measuring 20 1/2 inches long. We had some feeding issues in the hospital, but worked them out before we left. We left the hospital with him weighing 7 pounds 1 ounce. The boys stayed with Grammy during the day and Nana and Pappy at night. They weren't able to come up to the hospital to meet their baby brother because Everett was sick.
Long and skinny boy!
Nana and Sawyer
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