We saw and heard the baby's heartbeat! Even the third time around it brought me to tears! It is still so amazing to me! The heartbeat was 128. It was much slower than Ricky's and Everett's. Ricky's was 167 at this point, and Everett's was 154. But the doctor said it was well within the normal range! Rick said maybe we'll finally get a laid back child! Not holding my breath on that one! We told Ricky there was only one baby, and he has been so upset! He was really hoping for two! We go back at 12 weeks. They will do another ultrasound and bloodwork. They will be doing a newer test to check for Down's Syndrome. It is less invasive, and he said they haven't had any false positives. I am not worried about Down's Syndrome at all, but I agreed to the test because it will be another time I get to take a peek at our baby! My thyroid levels were off again, so he increased the medication, and they'll recheck that next time too. My progesterone level was very high which is great news! My level was 57. The average for the first trimester is 9-47. I am still feeling pretty yucky! I am taking Zofran in the morning and Phenergan before bed. I have lost two pounds in two weeks, which is significant for me. But I am not worried. I know I can pack on the pounds in pregnancy!
I am so excited fo you!