Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sawyer is 10 Months Old!

10 months of joy this little guy has brought to us! So happy! Sawyer got his first haircut by his Uncle Curt and he did great! Just cleaned him up around the ears! I did have to hold him while he squirmed a little, but no tears! He is into everything! He climbs like a little monkey! He started off late with the teeth, but has made up for it! He is now up to 6 teeth! Still lacking in the hair department though! =0) He is quite the babbler! He says "Mama", "Dada", "Hi", and has just started saying "Nana". He waves and claps, and he is working on blowing kisses! We have retired the pacifier! Whoohoo! He still misses it, but he did better than we thought he would! His favorite thing to do is watch his brothers! They have him in histerics! I am sure he is learning all their tricks of the trade as well!

Sawyer has thrown up every day for about a month. At first we thought it was due to congestion, but then he got over his cold and continued to throw up. He doesn't eat much to begin with and drinks even less. When he throws up he empties the entire contents of his stomach. The doctor is pretty confident it is due to reflux. He had it as a baby, but we chose not to medicate him because he didn't seem to be in pain. But now it has gotten so much worse. The doctor started him on Prevacid. If he continues to vomit during the next 30 days, she wants to do a complete GI workup. His disinterest in food and bottles could be due to the reflux, so maybe this will fatten him up! He is 19 pounds 3 ounces at 10 months.

Uncle Curt gave
Sawyer his first haircut!

Loving the Bluebonnets!

Sweet Little Guy!

Mommy's Boy!

Waving as he goes by!
His first train ride!

Uh-oh! Here comes trouble!
Catnap with dear old Dad!
Sawyer loves to swing!
He loves his brothers
 to push him!

Such a big boy!

Bath time! Such a beauty!

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