Monday, October 31, 2011

Emerson's First Week

Our sweet boy is one week old! It's been a busy week, but we already can't imagine life without our sweet Emerson! When we checked out of the hospital on Sunday Emerson was jaundice. His bilirubin levels were 7. So we were told to go to the hospital on Tuesday for labwork to see what his levels were doing. On Tuesday, the levels had gone up to 14. We were told to feed him frequently and keep him in the sunshine. So I was feeding him every two hours around the clock! Which meant because it took him 30 minutes to eat, I was waking up every hour and a half to feed him. On Wednesday, we were back at the hospital and levels were up to 16. Thursday and Friday they had not gotten worse. They had leveled off at 16, but they weren't coming down. So over the weekend we continued the frequent feedings and sunshine. We are surprised the little guy doesn't have himself a tan! On Monday levels are still high at 14, but they are coming down! They think it is just going to take a little longer to resolve itself. They will check him out on Friday at his two week checkup.
The boys have adjusted so well to their new baby brother! Ricky takes on the baby as a new responsibility. He loves to help out. Everett calls Emerson his baby and hopes every day that he ends up with brown eyes like him. We have to watch Sawyer carefully because he is always hugging and kissing Emerson and trying to hold him. Sawyer adores him except when mommy is nursing. That is the one thing he really has not adjusted to. He wants to sit in my lap the entire time. So I am trying to nurse during meal times or snacks when big brother is occupied.

Life as a family of six is quickly becoming life as we know it!

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