Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Superhero

Since I have had Emerson I have heard on my than one occassion "You are my hero!", "I don't know how you do it!", "You're amazing!", etc. All of which of course are completely ridiculous. I guess I make it look easy. It's not. Like every other family we have good days and bad. But the days are mostly good, and the good far outweigh the bad. I don't think I am any better or worse of a mother of four than I was of two. There is nothing I love more than being a mom, and I mean that with all of my heart. I have spent my entire life wondering what I was meant to do. Well, this is it! I have never been so fulfilled!

That being said, I have to say that today I feel like I lived up to superhero status! It was my first day taking care of business solo. I woke up, got the two older boys dressed for school and backpacks packed. Ricky had to dress in fifties for the fiftieth day of school. Everett had to dress for a Halloween parade at school. I got Sawyer dressed in his Halloween shirt, and nursed Emerson. I loaded up the car with children and all their gear. I dropped Ricky off at school first. We made it at 8:05, hopefully he made it in before the tardy bell! Then off to take Everett to school. I had to unload the huge double stroller and strap in the little guys. Then we headed inside to drop Everett in his class. After reloading little guys and double stroller, we were headed off the the hospital to check Emerson's bilirubin levels. Once they completed the lab work, it was time to nurse Emerson. So we found a nursing room at the hospital to hunker down in. There were couches and a tv so I had hoped Sawyer would be entertained. I fed Sawyer two bags of gummies, but even that did not get us through without a major meltdown. Sawyer loves his baby brother, but he does not do well when it comes to me nursing him. So Sawyer screamed and cried the entire time. I burped Emerson and strapped him back in the carseat. Then I got Sawyer out to comfort him. Once all was well, we were on our way. We got to the car and Emerson threw up out of his nose - yuck! All settled and on the road (by the way after all that it was only 9:30 am!), we headed back to Primrose for Everett's Halloween parade. Where by the way I had to hold Sawyer because he was tired of being in the stroller. We really enjoyed the parade and seeing all the kiddos in their costumes - especially Everett. And it was worth seeing his face light up when he saw us there. After the parade, we headed home for lunch. I fed and changed Sawyer and then laid him down for a nap. Then it was time to change and nurse Emerson. Emerson slept, and I cleaned up from the morning rush. Then I decided to try to lay down to make up from lack of sleep during the night. That didn't work out. I got two calls from the school regarding Ricky's close call with peanuts - luckily they had it all under control and were able to keep Ricky safe from a reaction. The phone calls woke Sawyer up prematurely from his nap. So I fed Sawyer a snack while I nursed Emerson once again. Then it was time to pile back into the car and pick up Everett and then Ricky. We made it home, and I set the boys to doing their homework while I got things ready for the next day. Then I fed the boys their dinner. After dinner it was time to get dressed in Halloween costumes. And of course time to nurse Emerson again. Friends and family showed up while I was nursing. My mom stayed with Emerson while we took the boys trick or treating. All three of the boys had a blast! They were so excited! When we got back, we put on our jammies and said our goodnights! Then it was time yet again to nurse my sweet Emerson. And that brings me to the present where I am catching up on my blogging rather than my sleep! It was a crazy day, but it was a good one!

And yes - today I declare myself a superhero - SUPERMOM! Can't wait to see what adventures lie in store for us tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you finally sat down to pat yourself on the back! About time you realize what everyone else has for a long time! You do it all!!! And you do it well! Your boys will know without a doubt one day that their mom is the BEST and loves them more than they can ever fathom (until they have children of their own).
