My little ones are both on antibiotics, steroids, and breathing treatments! This little respiratory virus has not been fun - though they never are! Over the weekend Emerson began having tremors in his legs. After a call in to the doctor, his meds were changed. He was switched to Xopenex. We use Xopenex for the other boys because there are less side effects. But insurance does not like to cover the drug. We are going to use what we have at home already, and if need be they are going to try to see if it can be covered because he is experiencing the side effects.
To those near and far, we hope this blog keeps you as close to us as you are to our hearts! We are blessed and want to share our blessings with you all!

Monday, February 27, 2012
Everett's Go Texan Day
My sweet cowboy had dress up for Go Texan Day at school! I have to say he was definitely the most handsome cowboy in the corral!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Emerson's First "Cold"
Emerson had his first "cold". And like my other boys, when they get it they go all the way! It started Monday. Tuesday he went to the doctor and had an ear infection. He was given an antibiotic. By Wednesday night he was wheezing and had labored breathing. I went ahead and gave him a breathing treatment on my own. With my unfortunate abundance of experience, I was fully confident that's what he needed. Thursday morning he was back at the doctor. In the office they gave him a stronger nebulizer treatment and a steroid. They sent him home on breathing treatments every four hours and to continue the steroid for the next four days. Poor little guy has not been sleeping AT ALL! For his first time to be sick he isn't messing around! He is causing his mommy and daddy lots of worry!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Emerson's First Ear Infection - Four Months Old
On February 21st, Emerson turned four months old and has his first ear infection! For three nights he has screamed and gotten little to no sleep. Because he suffers from reflux and constipation we weren't sure the cause for his fussiness. But by the third night his screams were clearly shrieks of pain. So we took him in and sure enough it's an ear infection. I tried for two days to get a picture of the little man smiling and I finally got one. And it's adorable! He's such a cutie! Love that smile!
Emerson Meets Great Grandma
Friday, February 17, 2012
Emerson's Four Month Check
Emerson had his four month check up and my how he's grown! In less than a month he has put on 3 pounds!! The doctor attributes it to his reflux being under control. With medications and the introduction of solids he is a whole new baby! He takes Prevacid twice a day and Bethanechol 2-3 times a day. He eats solids 2-3 times a day. So far he is eating oatmeal, rice cereal, and pears. He now weighs 16 pounds 5 ounces - 73rd percentile for weight. He is 24 inches long - 11th percentile for height. And his head is 16 3/4 - 83rd percentile for his head! I have a feeling he won't be in 3-6 month clothing for very long!! He wears a size 3 diaper which is the same size as Sawyer! And he has become a much happier baby! He still has a serious side, but he is not crying or screaming in pain any more! Thank goodness! Like the other boys he does have eczema. He has it on his face and body. We are hoping he is spared the respiratory issues that tend to go along with reflux and eczema! Emerson sleeps 6-7 hours a night, which is good, but boy am I ready for him to start sleeping in even longer stretches! He loves to play with toys! He enjoys his exersaucer, jumparoo, and play mat! He is showing many pre-crawling signs. He spins around when he's on his belly, he gets his booty up in the air and rocks, and he is getting frustrated because he wants to be moving! He brings us such joy! So grateful he is feeling better!!
He is a morning man!! |
Happy boy! |
He is working on his crawling skills! |
Emerson loves his food! What a character! |
In most pictures it just looks like rosy cheeks, but our little guy has a case of eczema on his face and on his body. |
He loves to smile with that tongue out! |
He can be so serious! |
Look at those beautiful eyes! |
Sweet Sawyer loves his baby brother! |
He's got it with both hands and his feet! I guess he doesn't want his brothers taking his toys! |
Just look at those lashes and lips! What a girl would give for those! |
He's definitely a heartbreaker! |
After his four month shots. :( |
Little brother is catching up with big brother Sawyer! |
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
A Day with Sawyer
Sawyer had an appointment with the ENT, so I took the day off and spent some one on one time with my guy! We ran some errands, got him a much needed haircut, and went to his appointment. We both really enjoyed our time together! He had a blast playing at the Texas Children's Center at St. Luke's Hospital. He has had many antibiotic resistant ear infections. This last time he went through three antibiotics before clearing the infection. So, after the evaluation we scheduled his surgery for tubes and adenoid removal for March 1st. We are hoping this makes the difference for him!
The doctor asked if Sawyer snores. I feel like such a bad mom I didn't know the answer to this question! But, of course, as soon as we got into the car he fell asleep and SNORED! And Karen, who takes care of the little ones during the day said he snores like a man! Ugh! Wish I knew the answers!! Here's video of the poor guy snoring away....
The doctor asked if Sawyer snores. I feel like such a bad mom I didn't know the answer to this question! But, of course, as soon as we got into the car he fell asleep and SNORED! And Karen, who takes care of the little ones during the day said he snores like a man! Ugh! Wish I knew the answers!! Here's video of the poor guy snoring away....
Bring It On
It's all about perspective! You can paint motherhood as a rosy picture or a real picture. We tend to only show the wonderful parts of babyhood and being a mother. We tend to paint our lives and our children as a perfect picture. A picture can say a thousand words.....but are the words telling the truth? There's nothing I love more than being a mother, but let's be honest. Some days are are not as pretty as others!
The same picture can tell two different stories. It's all about perspective and what the photographer really wants to portray!
The same picture can tell two different stories. It's all about perspective and what the photographer really wants to portray!
Friday, February 3, 2012
One of my very best friends Jessica (and Sawyer's Godmother) and I had our babies, Parker and Emerson, just one day apart!
They don't know it because they've never met, but the boys are growing up together! Every day Jess and I exchange videos and photos of the boys! I am so thankful for technology - it makes the distance seem so much shorter! Jess put Parker in his Jumparoo and he loved it, so I decided to give Emerson a go at it. He had so much fun! He spent at least a half hour in it on his very first try! And at this age that is a long time to do the same thing! He loved to jump, and he enjoyed playing with the toys on the Jumparoo. Thanks Aunt Jess!
This video you have to watch very carefully at the very end! Sawyer wanted in on the action!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
100th Day of School
It was the 100th day of school at Kaufman Elementary, and kindergarten celebrated by dressing up as a 100 year old! Ricky had a ball! He stayed in character the entire time! Thanks to Kristen Belcher for the glasses and Shelly Slane for the cane and white hair! Momma needs all the help she can get in the creativity department! Though I do think it all came together quite nicely! He made a very handsome old man!
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