Monday, June 25, 2012

Emerson is 8 Months Old!

His Health:
- he had his tubes and adenoids done on June 4th
- ear infections and upper respiratory infection two weeks later!
- his reflux has been getting significantly worse, he projectile vomits 2-3 times after each feeding, even hours after he eats; this may be due to being sick and congested ???
- but fortunately with his regimen of daily meds we have been able to keep the wheezing under control

His size:
- his weight is down a little at 21 pounds
- he is 28 inches long
- wears size 3 diaper
- wearing 12-18 month clothes (18)

What he's up to:
- says "Mama" and "Hi" consistently and in the correct context
- he waves when he says hi
- constantly babbling - he is quite the talker
- giggling all the time - especially at his big brothers
- crawls all over the place, though his crawl is not the most coordinated looking movement
- he likes to hide from mommy and daddy
- drinks from a sippy cup
- he poops on the potty and then giggles when we all get excited
- enjoys playing with his toys - he loves his Sophie the Giraffe chew toy, the activity table, toy animals
- pulls himself up to standing
- loves to stand up - starting to think about cruising, just taking a cautious step or two along furniture
- loves to give and get hugs and kisses

How he's teething:
- he has two bottom teeth and two top teeth

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