Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Emerson's Tubes and Adenoids

After our visit to the ENT, it was decided Emerson would get tubes put in and his adenoids taken out in an effort to get him healthy. We had to wait three weeks until school was out, so I could be with him. In that time he had yet another double ear infection. Going into the surgery he was the healthiest he's been in a long time. He played hard and then fell asleep before going back. When they called us to recovery, they said he did well in surgery. But as we sat there he desatted into the 80's and lower 90's. Which means his oxygen levels were dropping too low. They should be 100 percent. So he was on oxygen for awhile. But then they took him off the oxygen and wanted him to breathe on his own. So we watched his numbers continuously drop and spontaneously come back up. It's so hard watching the pulse/ox register his numbers and not be able to do anything. They came and told us he may have to be admitted over night. For five hours we sat in recovery before he was stable enough to go home. But thankfully he was doing well enough to come home! When we got home he pretty much slept all day and into the night. We are now two days post surgery, and he's still pretty grumpy. We've been rotating Motrin and Tylenol, but it's just not been cutting the pain for him. Last night he cried from 10pm until 4 am. So we went and filled his pain medication. So far so good. Hoping he is back to normal soon!
Goofy Grin!
Mesmerized by the water feature
Come check this out Mama
So sweet
He fell asleep before the procedure
Heading home - so groggy
He slept the rest of the day and night

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