Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a fantastic Easter weekend! The boys were so excited about Easter and talked about the true meaning behind Easter. We left out a carrot for the Easter Bunny that night. The boys woke up early to see if the Easter Bunny came! That afternoon, Nana, Pappy, and Grandma came over to help us celebrate! They brought more goodies, ate dinner with us, and we all took a long walk to the park. It was as the boys said "...the best Easter ever!"

Instead of checking out his Easter basket first, Everett ran right for the carrot and started to eat it! I think he thought that was his treat - he was so excited!

Ricky scoped out the goods! He loved the candy, but he was very excited about all the outdoor toys!

Everett realized it only got better after the carrot!

Everett was saying "The Easter Bunny is the best Easter Bunny ever!" Apparently, "the best ever" is their new saying because I happen to be "The Best Mommy Ever!" I hope they always think that!

Ricky is deciding which tattoo he wants first!

They are ready for their Easter Egg hunt! They were so cute! Instead of being competitive like they can be, they decided to go in as a team! They found all their eggs together and took turns putting them in each other's baskets!!

Everett showing us two they found - one for him and one for Ricky!

Ricky is so proud!

They found the "Golden Egg" together, so they both got a dollar!

Nana and Pappy brought over goodies too! They got outfits from the movie "How to Raise a Dragon"! They went the day before with Daddy and Pappy to see the movie, and of course "It was the best movie ever!" So they were excited to put on their new clothes!

Here are the boys with Pappy and Nana!

Grandma, Pappy, Everett, Ricky, and Nana

All of us! We never get a picture of us all together!

The boys eating their cotton candy!

Everett took a small bite, but he was not crazy about the texture! He said it was like bugs!

Ricky on the other hand ate it by the fistfull!

Wrestling with Pappy!

Tickling Nana!

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